The solemn strangeness of this year, and for those of us who aren’t managing far worse, the preoccupation with running out, brings back memories for me of another Easter: one I spent in Denmark many years ago as a 17-year-old exchange … [Read more...]
New decade, new national food strategy
Listen to Laura's podcast of this food essay by clicking the arrow below: I love January. Despite its grey tendencies, I relish the fresh start, the hopeful certainty that last year’s inadequacies can be redressed by what comes … [Read more...]
A Christmas essay
Dear Kind Readers of Crumbs on the Table, Wherever you are in the world, and however you celebrate, I hope this season brings you peace and joys. I'm sharing a food essay I wrote to celebrate the food and atmosphere of Christmas. I've included … [Read more...]
The British apple and its orchard heritage
Listen to Laura's podcast of this food essay by clicking the arrow below: In rural south New Jersey, where I mostly grew up, apple orchards surrounded us with miles of fruitfulness and roadside stands. I remember the openness of the … [Read more...]
The fall and rise of the tomato
Listen to Laura's podcast of this food essay by clicking the arrow below: Summer has certainly been elusive this year, but it’s still summer. Its exuberant harvest is glutting our fields and markets despite the weather’s ups and … [Read more...]