Advertising and endorsements
I’ve chosen not to have advertising on Crumbs on the Table. Any reviews or comments I publish here reflect my own views on experiences or products I have paid for; I don’t write paid-for endorsements on this blog. I do include some features and reviews I am paid to write for other publications.
As well as being a food writer, I operate my own small business: Cottage Garden Cookery ( I will be open about any connection between what I write and any place where I do business (e.g. suppliers from whom I buy ingredients for the food I sell, or retailers I supply with goods I’ve made).
Unless otherwise credited, all of the photographs on this blog are my work and are copyright to me. I am delighted for people to use them with a photo credit to “Laura Donohue, Crumbs on the Table /” .
I am proud to share recipes that are tried and tested favourites, and which in many cases I have cooked for years, having refined them from various sources and experiments. I always specify where I came by a recipe. Some are straightforward to credit. The provenance of others may be lost in time, but I always seek to trace the origins back as clearly as I can. Those stories are part of what I love about cooking, and I hope you will too.
I carefully test all the recipes that appear on this blog because I want them to work reliably for you, and I want you to know what to expect. I include measurements in metric (UK) and their US equivalents, with one word of caution: I recommend you consistently follow one or the other, as mixing them up may cause inconsistencies due to rounding of some measurements. Where techniques, methods or ingredients may be less commonly known, I try to include helpful notes and references.
I welcome your comments on the recipes here, and hope you will share your experiences of cooking them.
Thank you
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WordPress support by Gerald Thulbourn, WebSanity.
I also hope you will pass on these recipes and stories. As written here they are copyright to me, so should only be published (online or in print) with my consent and with a credit to “Laura Donohue, Crumbs on the Table /” . Should you wish to use any of my material, I will respond quickly to a request.